XIN Mortgage Pty Ltd
North Sydney, NSW $41,015,132
Wendi Ma joined XIN Mortgage as a broker support officer when she left university and became a full-time broker in February 2019. Having become familiar with the various types of loan applications and customers in her earlier role, she was able to jump straight in to achieve the figures she has written in the last year.
Ma works closely with referral partners like real estate agents and accountants and also builds strong customer relationships in order to get word-of-mouth referrals; more than 50% of her business comes from referrals. One of the things Ma says she loves about being a broker is how different each day is.
“All clients are different, which means brokers are working across a unique variety of situations and finding the right solution,” she says. “It makes me motivated learning new things during the process.”
While COVID-19 changed the way business was done, Ma says it has rapidly accelerated digital transformation. She points out that lenders have altered their processes to allow for electronic transactions, which has increased efficiency, and digital marketing has become really important.
Ma puts her success down to offering great customer service, building a strong network, and, most importantly, having a good mentor in business owner William Xin.
Describing this talented Young Gun, Xin says, “Wendi Ma is an exceptional young broker with outstanding enthusiasm and energy. Not only is Wendi’s volume impressive but so are her quality submissions, dedication to her clients and ability to engage with people.”