ANZ Commercial BDM Mathew Aiono encountered a broker requesting a loan for his psychic friend

BDM in the spotlight asks a different BDM the same questions – giving you regular insights into the lives of some of the top BDMs in the country.
Name: Mathew Aiono
Years in the industry: 17
Company: ANZ Commercial BDM
Location: Sydney
1. What did you do before entering the industry?
I was living in Wellington New Zealand and working as the freight manager for the fast ferry which travelled between the North and South Islands. I started my banking career two days after arriving in Sydney back in 2002.
2. How often do you see mortgage managers in a week?
Every day I see brokers or meet with aggregators or ANZ bankers. This can be individually or in a group environment as an activity. Engagement is key to what we do as a BDM.
3. What do mortgage managers want most from you?
Advice, training, solutions, an honest opinion, or just general help in navigating the banking world.
4. What is your favourite part of the job?
I think if you ask any BDM, it’s the variety of what we do daily that attracts us to the role. I’m not the type of person who likes to be stuck in an office every day. I enjoy getting out and about.
5. What distinguishes the best brokers you deal with?
Brokers who understand the limitations of lending will obtain a consistently better result for their clients. These brokers understand what it takes to write a deal with respect to structure, conditions and rate without going overboard with the requirements.
6. What’s your ideal weekend?
Spending time with the family is priority for me. But I also love fishing, eating, camping, swimming, eating, cars and motorbikes…did I mention eating?
7. What’s the strangest lending scenario you’ve ever encountered?
Now that I’ve moved into commercial lending, I’ve seen more variety in the last two years than in my whole time working in the residential space. Just last week a broker asked if we could do some business lending for a psychic friend of his. Apparently, his friend already knew the outcome. This really happened!
8. What's your top time-saving tip and how much time does it save you?
Leave home early! Sydney traffic is never getting any better, so I prefer to get in the office early to spend the extra time in the morning on my laptop rather than sitting in traffic.
9. What’s your favourite meal?
A huge rack of sticky, slow-cooked BBQ ribs would have to be my favourite; then a good nap afterwards. Then maybe a second helping.