Aussie Burnie’s Grace Gardner has been named on of MPA’s 25 Young Guns for 2020.

This year’s Mortgage Professional Australia Young Gun’s list is filled with exceptional talent, evidenced by Aussie Burnie’s Grace Gardner through her ability to write more than $17 million in loans in just over 18 months.
It’s clear that her customer-first approach is paying dividends, and she noted how she plans on maintaining such success in 2020.
“My goals for 2020 are focused on the continued growth of my broking business as I head into my second year of operation,” she said.
“I will be looking to grow my team so I can service more customers and improve the processes I have in place from lodgment to settlement to ensure an exceptional customer experience from start to finish.”
Gardner said improving her business processes can help her use her time to work on further business development initiatives, such as first home buyer seminars and coffee activations.
“I want to become a strong leader within the industry and my local community by attending key local events and professional development days,” she said.
Gardner’s involvement professionally has been an extensive, having worked at ANZ for the better part of six years before deciding to make the transition into broking.
“When I began working at ANZ, I learnt the basics surrounding home loans and it was from there where my inspiration to become a broker was borne,” she said.
“I eventually became an ANZ branch manager and I felt I could progress any further without having to move, so I made the decision to stay in the region and shift into broking.
“I also saw as a good outlet to go into a role where I can work as hard as I wanted to that can get the best outcomes and have more control over the experience I provide.
“It allowed me be more helpful to people who need different solutions.”
Gardner’s introduction to broking certainly wasn’t an easy one, as she entered the role around the time of the royal commission.
Despite the challenges she faced when her career was still in its infancy, she alluded to the wonderful support Aussie provided to ensure she was able to experience a successful start as a broker.
“It was somewhat of a scary time, however, Aussie made sure they had plans in place to tackle it and for that I’m very grateful,” she said.
“In particular I would like to thank my franchisee Brent Plant, he was the person who got me onboard and made me believe that it is possible to succeed if you have the right mentality.
“His impact on my young career as a broker has been huge.”
It’s apparent Gardner hasn’t just left a strong impression to those she works with in Burnie, as Aussie Tasmania regional manager Jimmy Shepherd spoke in-depth about how much of an asset Grace has been since starting with the company.
“Grace has done an exceptional job and built an extremely loyal customer base in a very short period,” he said.
“Not only is Grace’s volume impressive but her quality submission, dedication to her clients and ability to engage with people from all demographics and age groups is second to none.
“She is also extremely proactive with her marketing activities and support to the local area of Burnie.”