A broker uses Jiu-Jitsu to unleash her competitive side
A broker uses Jiu-Jitsu to unleash her competitive side
Like many successful brokers, Bundy Financial Services director Holly Bundy can easily get caught up in the day-to-day noise of deadlines and meetings.
During the time she was building her business in particular, she found she was neglecting her mental health and physical wellbeing.
However, when her husband asked her to join him at the local Jiu-Jitsu gym, Bundy discovered a way to keep healthy and fi t while remaining productive at work. “Jiu-Jitsu provides a physical outlet that’s really good for mental wellbeing,” she says.
“It’s also a great way to spend some time with my husband.”
Sometimes being the only female in her class makes the sport feel a lot like her career, Bundy says.
“I’m often the only female successful broker in a room going out against men.
I’m this young female running a small brokering business and doing as well as the men who are often middle-aged and have been in the industry a long time."
And Jiu-Jitsu can be very practical, just like Bundy's approach to her business.
“Putting myself out of my comfort zone can really be difficult at times. I suppose I’ve always been very competitive”
The sport is not always about strength, she says, and she “can still beat the boys based on techniques”.
Bundy entered her first competition last year, and it didn’t go as she hoped it would. But she hasn’t let this faze her. “It’s easy to sit back and not push at all,” Bundy says.
“But I’m all about putting myself out of my comfort zone.”