Raymond Xue was 7th last year – but having doubled his volume, he’s confident of making this year’s top three. He shares his tips
Raymond Xue was 7th last year – but having doubled his volume, he’s confident of making this year’s top three. He shares his tips
You can’t beat good-old fashioned elbow grease. Last year’s 7th most successful broker in Australia, and this year’s AFG Top Broker, Raymond Xue knows this better than most. If anything, the increasing number of customers since his success last year has made his workday even harder, he told MPA magazine. Nevertheless, Xue is confident of hitting the top spots this year, and he told us why.
Putting in the hours
Xue works a staggering 12 hour day, from 10am to 10pm, at his brokerage, ACA Mortgages, based in Sydney. “This year the volumes have nearly doubled”, he explains, “sometimes I work very late, until 12pm.” With 248 loans last year totalling $130,416,605, it’s obvious why he needs to put the hours in. These are mainly spent dealing mainly with investors and home renovators, with the average settlement being above $550,000.
A new customer service strategy
“We are increasing the efficiency of our team” says Xue. ACA has taken on extra staff, now having seven, but the real transformation has been in customer service. Each client is assigned a single staff member “who looks after the case from beginning to end.” This appears to be paying off; “I’ve got more and more referrals from existing customers and from real-estate agents, from everywhere.”
Embracing a new social media network
Over the last year, Xue has also began using social media, in particular a service called WeChat. Originally called Wēixìn, this is a messaging app, developed for the Chinese market, which in 2013 was the 5th most used smartphone app worldwide. Xue compares it to Skype and uses it to talk to clients.
Xue’s confident that the changes he’s made will be reflected in the numbers; “I’m not sure if somebody can do better than me. I’m confident I can be top three, but I’m not sure I can be number one.”
Reckon you can beat Raymond Xue? Nominate yourself for the Top 100 brokers now – applications close on the 19 September.
You can’t beat good-old fashioned elbow grease. Last year’s 7th most successful broker in Australia, and this year’s AFG Top Broker, Raymond Xue knows this better than most. If anything, the increasing number of customers since his success last year has made his workday even harder, he told MPA magazine. Nevertheless, Xue is confident of hitting the top spots this year, and he told us why.
Putting in the hours
Xue works a staggering 12 hour day, from 10am to 10pm, at his brokerage, ACA Mortgages, based in Sydney. “This year the volumes have nearly doubled”, he explains, “sometimes I work very late, until 12pm.” With 248 loans last year totalling $130,416,605, it’s obvious why he needs to put the hours in. These are mainly spent dealing mainly with investors and home renovators, with the average settlement being above $550,000.
A new customer service strategy
“We are increasing the efficiency of our team” says Xue. ACA has taken on extra staff, now having seven, but the real transformation has been in customer service. Each client is assigned a single staff member “who looks after the case from beginning to end.” This appears to be paying off; “I’ve got more and more referrals from existing customers and from real-estate agents, from everywhere.”
Embracing a new social media network
Over the last year, Xue has also began using social media, in particular a service called WeChat. Originally called Wēixìn, this is a messaging app, developed for the Chinese market, which in 2013 was the 5th most used smartphone app worldwide. Xue compares it to Skype and uses it to talk to clients.
Xue’s confident that the changes he’s made will be reflected in the numbers; “I’m not sure if somebody can do better than me. I’m confident I can be top three, but I’m not sure I can be number one.”
Reckon you can beat Raymond Xue? Nominate yourself for the Top 100 brokers now – applications close on the 19 September.