2. Collin Bruce, DLC Mortgage Mentors

2. Collin Bruce, DLC Mortgage Mentors

Company: DLC Mortgage Mentors
Location: Alberta
Total volume: $351.8 million
Loans funded: 1,157

CMP: What was your primary strategy for growing your business in 2019?
Collin Bruce:
Our overall volume was pretty good, even from the year before. Considering Alberta’s economy, we are pretty happy with that. For 2019, we really focused on profitability. We cancelled some expensive advertising contracts and ended up having our strongest year ever financially

CMP: How do you think the industry needs to change to better serve both brokers and consumers?
I am actually pretty happy and proud of the broker industry. I think consumers need to know why they should use a broker for their next mortgage instead of going direct to the bank.