BMO, National Bank release Q4 results

Banking giants close out Big Six earnings season

BMO, National Bank release Q4 results

Bank of Montreal (BMO) and National Bank have become the final two of Canada’s Big Six banks to announce their fourth-quarter earnings, with BMO’s Q4 profit falling compared with the same time last year and National Bank reporting a slight year-over-year uptick in net income.

BMO said in a statement on Friday morning that its net income for the quarter was just under $1.62 billion, down from $4.48 billion in 2022’s fourth quarter, with adjusted earnings per share (EPS) coming in at $2.81 compared with $3.04 the previous year.

The bank set aside a smaller amount for credit losses than analysts had expected, although that figure still rose on a yearly basis to $446 million (up from $226 million in Q4 2022).

Its Q4 expenditure included after-tax acquisition and integration costs of $433 million, an increase from $145 million at the same time last year, mainly tied to its February acquisition of US lender Bank of the West.

That purchase also contributed to a net income loss of $757 million in the bank’s corporate-services division, compared with a net income gain of $2.25 billion the same time last year.

National Bank, meanwhile, reported net income of $768 million, a 4% increase over its fourth-quarter earnings last year, with diluted EPS coming in at $2.14, up from $2.08.

The funds set aside by the bank for credit losses also increased, jumping from $87 million to $115 million, continuing a trend that’s seen each of Canada’s banking giants earmark higher provisions for a rainy day amidst continuing economic turbulence.