The team instructed a fresh valuation alongside legals on the same day as the enquiry.
Bridging lender Bridge Invest has completed a second charge bridge for £220,000 in six business days to refinance a residential property in Harrow.
The team instructed a fresh valuation alongside legals on the same day as the enquiry.
William Matterson, business development manager, said: “The broker made it clear that there was a hard deadline in play, so we were open and transparent about all the steps that needed to be completed on the day of enquiry to give us the best shot of completing this loan in the time frame.”
Ronak Ruparell, chief executive, added: “We liked the loan and once it had been underwritten, we were confident of getting it over the line.
“With no red tape and an experienced team, we were able to offer terms within minutes of Will getting off the phone with the broker. A big thanks to Seddons for helping us meet the tight deadline.”