The website hosts a range of tools constructed for intermediaries to help their landlord clients.
TBMC has launched a website designed for intermediaries to access finance options and services more efficiently.
The website hosts a range of tools constructed for intermediaries to help their landlord clients. There is a free buy-to-let mortgage sourcing tool, which filters mortgage products for the likes of expats and HMOs.
Available products are updated daily in house, reflecting the latest market offerings and TBMC exclusives.
Jane Simpson, managing director at TBMC, says: “We’ve been keen to develop the TBMC website for some time. Users can now maximise the potential of the tools and resources we offer intermediaries on the site, using a multitude of devices.
“With thoughtful planning and development, we’ve created the new website with our users in mind. Improved interface, navigation and usability will make necessary information and resources on the buy-to-let, bridging and commercial finance we offer more accessible for new and existing intermediaries to explore.”
Intermediaries can generate product illustrations and submit multiple-property online application forms that go to TBMC for processing.
Brokers can store their list of applications on their account, view procuration fees and look at the lender panel.