The analysis found the three towns lie in postcode areas where sales are typically agreed in less than36 days– three times faster than some parts of London.
Northampton,CoventryandManchesterare the parts of the country where homes are selling most quickly, according to analysis by the HomeOwners Alliance.
The analysis found the three towns lie in postcode areas where sales are typically agreed in less than36 days– three times faster than some parts of London.
Paula Higgins, chief executive of theHomeOwners Alliance, said: “Knowing how long a sale can take is vital intelligence for anyone trying to sell their home.”
The research is based on searches conducted during December 2017 using theEstateAgent4MEtool on the HomeOwners Alliance website and looked at how long properties were listed before being ‘under offer’.
Seven of the 10 postcode areas where homes are changing hands most quickly are in the Midlands. These hotspots include Birmingham,Milton Keynes,Wolverhampton,Lutonand Stevenage.
There are eight postcode areas where transactions on average take 12 weeks.
Higgins added: “Our EA4ME tool gives homeowners a greater understanding of their local market and provides new insights into the state of the national picture.
“Speed of sale isn’t the be all and end all – but it can mean all the difference between snapping up or missing out on the home of your dreams.”
The analysis provides further evidence of a slowdown in the London property market, withfour of the 10 postcodes areas with the slowest sales either in or close to the capital.
Three others in this slower group are in the North East:Durham,MiddlesbroughandSunderland.
Properties aroundWest Londonare on average taking almost 108 days to go under offer - slower than any other postcode area.