FTBs are aiming high

Almost a third (29%) of first time buyers surveyed are looking to buy a three bedroom house. Some 22% are looking for a two bedroom flat and a fifth (20%) said they would like to buy a two bedroom house.

First time buyers in the Midlands are the most likely to buy a three bedroom house compared to just 18% in Scotland.

Scotland is also the place where the largest percentage (53%) said they would opt for a flat.

While first time buyers are looking to move into larger properties they said they are also planning to stay in their first home for a number of years.

The largest percentage of those surveyed (23%) plan to stay for between four and five years with more than a fifth (21%) hoping to live in their first home for more than 10 years.

The majority of those buying a new home (56%) said they were the sole owner whilst 42% bought jointly with a partner or friend.

The survey found that men prefer to live on their own with 72% claiming to be searching for a bachelor pad.

In comparison just over half of the women surveyed (56%) said they were planning to live alone.

However finance was still a concern with 54% worried about getting a mortgage and more than two fifths (44%) of those surveyed admitting they were concerned about saving the necessary deposit.