Stop the arrogance

I am amazed that lenders continue to wilfully and blatantly ignore brokers on this issue, even of the size of companies like Thinc and

Do they think that if they continue to blank the entire broker market, we will shrivel up and die a quiet death? If they do, they are sorely mistaken. They cannot turn a cold shoulder on brokers and expect us just to take it, and I would question their commitment to brokers and the best interests of clients by their refusal to discuss this matter.

And the fact that Julie Gaskin of GMAC-RFC still harks on about data protection is astounding to me. Haven’t we been over this before? Hasn’t AMI provided a template letter to be used in these circumstances? Lenders need to get their act together and stop arrogantly assuming they have greater rights to client information over brokers.

Via e-mail