HBSLite sources mortgage products from the whole of the mortgage market (intermediary and direct-to-lender) and produces all the forms and paperwork necessary for the broker to sell direct-to-lender mortgage products and charge the customer a fee for their research and administration.
Richard Angliss, managing director of Home Buyer Systems, said “We have received an overwhelming response since launching 3 weeks ago We have, however, found that some people thought it was too good to be true and so did not proceed. We understand this and we felt we needed to give brokers the chance to ‘try before you buy’.
“Some commentators are playing down the dual pricing problem, but comparative evidence from HBSLite has shown that the cheapest direct-to-lender products would save first-time and subsequent buyers between £900 and £1200 over a two year period, compared to the cheapest intermediary product. It is impossible for brokers to ignore this differential and HBSLite gives them all the tools they need to make a compliant sale and charge the customer a reasonable fee for their expertise.”