The difference between a leader and a boss is that a leader is willing to get his hands dirty

I recently saw an image that draws the perfect contrast between what it means to be a good leader and what it means to be a bad leader. In the first scene, a man labeled a "Boss" is sitting at a desk and pointing forward. The desk is sitting on top of a giant block that has the word "Mission" emblazoned on it. In front of him, three other men are pulling the block forward--indicating they are the workers responsible for pulling the man and the mission forward. The second scene has the same three men pulling the same "Mission" block, but there is one difference. The other man isn't sitting on the block--he's out in front helping the workers pull the mission forward. This man is labeled a "Leader."
The difference between a leader and a boss is that the leader is willing to get his hands dirty. The boss says, "Go!" But the leader says, "Let's go!" If you aren't willing to get out in front of your people and show them how to get the job done, then they aren't following you; they're dragging you.
Think about the approach you take in your organization. How do your people see you as a leader? Are you the distant tyrant, barking out orders from afar. Or, are you right down there with them in the nitty-gritty fighting to move your mission forward? Do whatever it takes to become the latter; it will surely give you the respect of your people. And, when you have that, you can accomplish nearly anything.