Market: CA
Company: RMG Mortages
Job title: VP national sales
A true veteran of the mortgage industry, Bruno Valko is widely regarded for both his inventiveness and his expertise. He has been in the industry for more than two decades, and his ingenuity and business acumen have brought features and products to the market that today are considered staples, including the matrix mortgage and value (no-frills) mortgages. Valko was also behind the development of many events beneficial to brokers and has been recognised for his contributions to the industry by CIBC chief economist Benjamin Tal, TMG president Mark Kerzner, FNF Canada and Genworth. “Bruno is a dedicated family man, and at this point dedicates all his extra time to his daughter and son’s activities,” a colleague says. “Having said that, he attends all industry functions at the local and national level and is a supporter - by presence and sponsorship - of many industry events and functions.”