Alysse Prosnick has been recognized as one of the leading women in the US mortgage industry by being listed in the 2018 edition of Mortgage Professional America's Elite Women
Vice president of operations
Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions
Since she joined Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions, Alysse Prosnick led many initiatives that have propelled the company’s growth. Her contributions include implementing e-signature technology; applying TRID processes, systems and compliance checks; and spearheading and rolling out a new TPO connect portal, the system Angel Oak brokers use to maintain and service their client base. Prosnick also helped the company realize new opportunities for growth by adding four levels of correspondent lending offerings. Outside of Angel Oak, Prosnick is a past member of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association, a Senior Connections volunteer and contributor, and a supporter of Habitat for Humanity and March of Dimes.