Want to be a successful loan officer? Make sure you're willing to reach into the spheres of everyone involved in your transactions
By Dave Hershman
Special to MPA
\Part III of the Answer to This Question: I am thinking about becoming a loan officer. A friend of mine said that he will be training me and I have already taken the 20-hour course. What is going to determine my success?
--Peter from Seattle
Last week I discussed investment in your business and the scope of your sphere. There are two points that are very important with regard to your sphere which is a compendium of your life. First, you need to be able to leverage your sphere.
What do I mean by that? You must be willing to reach into the spheres of those within your sphere, which is what I call "Micro-spheres." Even every transaction you close or every lead you receive which you do not close has a sphere. Think of your transactions of being a living being. What are the components of that sphere? Well, in a real estate transaction there is a settlement company, two agents, an insurance agent, perhaps a CPA and more. What if every loan you closed, you were able to add one more relationship in addition to the customer?
For those you are close to within your sphere -- friends, family and neighbors -- it is not about badgering them to do business with you. It is about you teaching them how to help you. The biggest mistake most of us make is assuming others will know how to help us.
Imagine that a good friend you have who is not in the real estate business has a brother who is a real estate agent. But you never asked. How would they know to introduce the two of you? Top producers instinctively take advantage of this opportunity. Others do not. That will bring us to the final part next week: Opportunity. Dave Hershman
Do you have a reaction to this commentary or another question you would like answered? Email Dave at [email protected].
Dave Hershman has been the leading author and a top speaker for the industry for decades with six books authored and hundreds of articles published. His website is www.originationpro.com. If you have a reaction to this commentary or another question you would like answered in this column? Email Dave directly at [email protected].