Former Mr. Cooper CFO jumps ship to Sagent

Fintech snags top finance exec from America's largest mortgage servicer

Former Mr. Cooper CFO jumps ship to Sagent

Sagent, a fintech company focused on modernizing mortgage and consumer loan servicing, has appointed Jaime Gow as its new chief financial officer.

In his new role at Sagent, Gow will oversee financial operations, lead strategic planning and dealmaking with customers, and ensure long-term investment in Sagent’s various platforms, including Dara, LoanServ, CARE, Tempo, Loanboard, and Datascape. He will also help drive Sagent’s growth in the mortgage servicing sector.

Gow previously served as chief financial officer at Mr. Cooper, America's largest mortgage servicer, and held a senior finance role at First Horizon Bank.

"Jaime has led at companies ranging from de novo banks, to leading regional banks, to industry leaders such as Mr. Cooper,” Sagent CEO Geno Paluso said in a Press release. “Jaime knows every detail that mortgage servicers need to win, and he’ll make Sagent a stronger-than-ever strategic partner to our customers and prospects.”

“Jaime’s finance and accounting skills are second to none, as is his innate ability to just get things done,” added Sagent executive chairman Chris Marshall.

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Before joining Mr. Cooper, Gow played a crucial role at Capital Bank during its early stages, where he helped acquire and integrate eight banks, completed an IPO, and facilitated the sale of Capital Bank to First Horizon National Corporation for $2.2 billion.

“Cost and operational efficiency are the keys to success in mortgage servicing, and no other software platform in today’s market brings more efficiencies than Sagent,” said Gow, who will be based in Sagent’s tech hub in Dallas. “Sagent’s new Dara platform can lower servicer operational costs across all mortgage servicing areas (like boarding, cash processing, escrows, call center, loss mitigation, and claims), and a big part of my job is to help our customers and prospects find and maximize these efficiencies in their own operations.”

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