Multi-channel loan origination system shines in technology analysis

An analysis of residential lending automation has ranked OpenClose highly across all categories.
The Technology Insight Survey from mortgage industry advisory firm STRATMOR Group concluded that the OpenClose LOS platform, point-of-sale (POS) system, and product pricing engine (PPE) had the highest Overall Satisfaction and Lender Loyalty Score of any mortgage industry vendor surveyed.
“JP Kelly and I started OpenClose to innovate mortgage banking solutions, solve pain points and generally make the process faster, better, and cheaper,” said Jason Regalbuto, the company’s CEO and CTO. “With the dedication of an outstanding team of professionals with extensive mortgage experience and wonderful customers, we have achieved our goal. Seeing the customer satisfaction results in the STRATMOR report is a tremendous validation of 20 years of hard work. There’s no stopping us now.”
High scoring
Of all LOS vendors surveyed in the mortgage industry, OpenClose scored 9.7 out of 10, had a perfect 100 Lender Loyalty Score™, and it is the only LOS provider that had zero outages reported.
In the POS category it scored higher than any vendor for Overall Satisfaction at 9.4 out of 10 and had the best Lender Loyalty Score™ with 86 out of 100.
OpenClose has recently launched an industry-first; the only digital mortgage POS solution from a single vendor that is entirely browser-based.