'Availability is one of the best abilities': How to succeed as a broker without burning out

The concept of availability is a driving force behind MortgageCS’s service model

'Availability is one of the best abilities': How to succeed as a broker without burning out

Ben D. Stucker, co-founder and CEO of MortgageCS, offers a clear explanation for the company’s growth, attributing much of its success to a deeply rooted focus on client care and availability.

"I wish there was a magic secret sauce," he explains, acknowledging the difficulty of maintaining growth in a challenging market. But the formula they rely on isn't a fluke—it’s built on consistent, month-after-month growth, underpinned by a core strategy: always being there for clients.

The concept of availability is a driving force behind their service model. Stucker highlights how critical it is for their clients, particularly in an industry as emotionally charged as mortgages.

“I recently heard someone say availability is one of the best abilities,” he says. In the world of mortgage originations, clients often need pre-approvals updated, or have last-minute questions that arise outside of normal business hours. For Stucker, that means working evenings and weekends, something he wishes he could automate but acknowledges is part of the job.

“There’s only one way to be available. It’s to work more."

This isn't just about time—it’s about precision. Accuracy is key in mortgage services, and Stucker makes no compromises in this area.

"Being supremely accurate… is often overlooked," he notes. "You have to make sure the client is helping you be accurate.”

A significant part of MortgageCS’s success also comes down to being judicious with time. Stucker is clear that his team focuses on clients who are truly in the pipeline.

“We owe it to our current clients... to make sure we're spending time on their loans," he says. Saying "no" to the wrong client is sometimes the best move.

"They appreciate that," he adds.

Stucker's co-founder, Alec, brings another critical dimension to MortgageCS’s growth—technology. They’ve developed a custom tech stack that enables them to provide services in ways their competitors cannot.

“We’re not reliant on the stock tech that’s out there from the industry,” Stucker explains. Having the ability to develop bespoke systems means the company can tailor solutions directly to their clients' needs. In some cases, they can deploy new features in as little as 24 hours.

"That’s been really, really wonderful," he says. This edge in technology allows MortgageCS to offer a unique experience that Stucker believes has been fundamental to their growth.

The team at MortgageCS is lean—just five full-time employees—but they operate like a well-oiled machine. Each member is an "A player," according to Stucker, and they focus heavily on collaboration and continuous improvement. Even small efficiencies add up quickly.

"If you’re doing 50 loans a month and you can save one minute on every loan, that’s an hour of time that you get back," he says. That extra time translates directly into better service for clients and, ultimately, more closed loans.

“A lot of whispers make a loud noise," Stucker adds.

Stucker also speaks to the importance of daily communication within the team. Every weekday at 1 p.m., the team holds a huddle to discuss loans that are closing soon, new approvals, or any potential issues.

“Knowledge is transferred," Stucker explains, describing the meeting as essential for ensuring that nothing is overlooked. These huddles allow team members to share insights about clients—whether they are nervous, analytical, or require extra attention.

Outsourcing is another avenue MortgageCS has begun exploring, primarily using resources in the Philippines for operational support. And Stucker’s strategic about the roles they outsource, ensuring that client-facing work remains in-house.

“It’s really about highest and best use of each person’s time," he says. He focuses his efforts on the tasks that require his expertise—originating loans, structuring deals, and ensuring everything is set up perfectly.

When it comes to marketing, MortgageCS spends less than $2,000 a month, a testament to the power of building relationships. Stucker has worked with over 90 real estate agents in the past year alone, and emphasizes that building trust with these professionals is vital.

“You can’t have the conversation before... [a deal] concludes because it’s falling on deaf ears," he explains.

The key, he says, is delivering a seamless experience during the transaction so that agents are impressed and inclined to refer clients in the future.

“The best way to go about relationship building is to go about relationship building,” Stucker says simply.