How to close more real estate sales using webinar marketing

Every real estate agent wants to close more sales, but you already know that real estate sales aren’t something you can rush

How to close more real estate sales using webinar marketing

How to close more real estate sales using webinar marketing
Every real estate agent wants to close more sales, but you already know that real estate sales aren’t something you can rush. For buyers, purchasing a home is a huge decision, and your contacts need time to consider their options.

Despite that, there are still things you can do to encourage them to close the sale, and webinars are a classic tool to carry them out.

People remain engaged with webinars for an average of 42 minutes – far longer than they’d spend reading a blog post or watching a Facebook video. That gives you enough time to thoroughly explain a complex topic.

Sharing tips and best practices as an authority
Through webinars, you can position yourself as an industry expert by delivering information about what to look for when you’re considering buying real estate, or how to make a bid that gets accepted.

When you use ClickMeeting’s platform to create and manage your webinars, you can combine short videos, tutorials, checklists, downloadable resources, and compelling storytelling to retain participants’ attention.

Share interesting tidbits of information about properties you showcase and provide useful content that adds value to the buyer experience. All of this reinforces the trust that potential customers feel in you, which helps you to make a good sale.

Ideally, you’d schedule plenty of face to face meetings with each and every lead, but life is busy, and time is short. That’s the beauty of ClickMeeting’s “on demand” replays. Your leads can participate in your webinar whenever it’s convenient for them, without having to travel. You can combine the connection of an in-person meeting with the time-saving convenience of a phone call.

Show them around from afar
A narrated video tour through a property can be a better way to reveal its potential than a blog post, and reaches more people than an in-person tour. What’s more, ClickMeeting’s Question Mode allows participants to ask questions if anything is unclear, so that you can end the webinar certain that everyone understood your message.

By running a series of webinars, you can nurture relationships with leads across a period of time. Gradually, you’ll build up an image of reliability that will pay dividends when it comes to closing sales. Once your leads are familiar with you and learn to connect you with interesting, engaging, and/or useful content, they are more likely to trust you when you recommend a particular property.

Webinars also help you extend your reach and connect with more potential buyers. ClickMeeting integrates with YouTube and Facebook Live to expand your circle of influence across social media, raising your brand recognition, improving your chances of making a sale, and helping you to connect the right buyer with the right property.

If you need to convey a lot of details or explain something complicated like zoning restrictions or the hidden possibilities of a specific property, webinars are the best way to do it. When you use ClickMeeting for your webinar, you can include images, plans, and whiteboard sketches alongside your spoken explanation.

Learn more about buyers
Real estate agents need to build relationships of trust with potential buyers, so that they feel at ease knowing that you’ve got their best interests at heart. You need to understand their concerns and desires, and they need to view you as an expert who is on their side.

ClickMeeting’s platform allows you to gather more information from participants during the webinar, through surveys, polls, and clickable, fillable online forms. These tools help you to understand your buyers, and segment them into groups for future marketing plans.

With better insight into your buyers, you can do a better job of matching them to the most appropriate real estate options and thus close more sales.

Webinars bring you multiple ways to engage potential customers with your content, nurture a trust relationship, and set yourself up as a source of valuable information and guidance.

With ClickMeeting, you can get started on a marketing campaign that helps you to close more real estate sales without pressure.