“We believe that building a better future in America begins with equal access to housing opportunity,” says NAR exec

The National Association of Realtors has joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Equality of Opportunity initiative.
The program, part of a national effort to examine economic inequality, is supported by more than 400 organizations across the country. The initiative assembles business and policy leaders to advance economic inclusion and examine potential solutions to inequality of opportunity.
“NAR has spent recent years examining how our 1.4 million members can best lead the fight against discrimination, bigotry and injustice,” said Bob Goldberg, CEO of NAR. “We believe that building a better future in America begins with equal access to housing opportunity. With ongoing residential segregation contributing to many problems in our society, NAR recognizes that this nation cannot achieve true economic equality without first achieving true eulity in housing. Our commitment to this cause and to fair housing has only strengthened in response to recent tragedies in America.”
“Working together with our federation of state and local chambers and association partners, we can better understand the challenges facing specific communities and help drive lasting solutions across the nation,” said Suzanne P. Clarke, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “We will use our influence, expertise, and convening power to serve our country at a time when the leadership of the business community is needed more than ever. And we commit to ensuring that the impact of our work reaches more people.”
Earlier this month, NAR began circulating an implicit bias training video for its members and association staff. The training draws upon recent research to illustrate the human brain’s automatic association of stereotypes with particular groups. Scientific evidence suggests that these implicit biases persist despite people’s good intentions, and often without their conscious awareness.
NAR is also advising realtor associations to consider revising their new-member orientations and other mandatory education courses to highlight the delivery of equal services.