BDM shares his top timesaving tip

BDM in the spotlight asks a different BDM the same questions – giving you regular insights into the lives of some of the top BDMs in the country.
Name: Kevin Seeley
Years in the industry: 25+
Company: Teachers Mutual Bank Limited
Location: Queensland
What did you do before entering the industry?
I have been involved in the finance and broking industry all my working life - starting off in asset and equipment finance and moving into residential mortgages just over seven years ago. My experience has been gained via regional banks, major banks as well as global banks and I am now enjoying my time in the mutual sector. I have always dealt in the third-party channels, in my opinion - the best channel, as it is so diverse.
How often do you see mortgage brokers in a week?
2020 was an interesting year and all of my meetings were either by Zoom or telephone. All my broker partners better look out in 2021 as my intention is to be out and about meeting newly accredited brokers, as well as catching up with existing brokers.
What do mortgage brokers want most from you?
Brokers want to know that you are knowledgeable, that you are available to assist them when they are in need and will return their calls. I will always work with a broker in order to turn a decision around, if the deal makes sense and I believe in it – you have to choose your challenges.
What is your favourite part of the job?
It is simple – seeing the deal get over the line and settle, knowing that you have assisted the broker in building their business and that you have helped somebody either into their new home or improved their financial position.
What distinguishes the best brokers you deal with?
All brokers (like in any other occupation) are different but from a business perspective, quality submissions, having a good rapport and just being able to work together to get the deal done.
What’s your ideal weekend?
I am extremely fortunate to live at Burleigh Heads - so much to do here. Beach, walks, restaurants, bars and shops – living where people come to holiday puts it all into perspective. Ideal weekend: just enjoy it with the people that make your life what it is - family and friends!
What’s the strangest lending scenario you’ve ever encountered?
All scenarios are different – but at the end of the day they are all about trying to assist somebody achieve their financial goals. I will always do my best to assist.
What’s your top time-saving tip and how much time does it save you?
My suggestion is once you have completed the application and are about to submit via AOL is that you take the time to review the file and make sure that you have addressed everything that is required and then ask yourself, based on this information, would I lend them my own money? If yes, make sure what you know about the applicant has been put on paper and submit it. If no, then obtain the information that will make you comfortable to lend your own money. It will assist with quicker decisions and less questions.
What’s your favourite meal?
Not sure if I am allowed to like this anymore since the Royal Commission, but my favourite meal is without doubt a medium-rare eye filet with a glass (or two) of Shiraz. Either at a favourite restaurant or at home.