If you want to know whether people really matter look no further than our current Prime Minister's issues. Trust begets trust, and if you take it for granted then your value, be that personal or corporate, slides rapidly.
During my time at BCMGlobal, the company has been through several iterations (and names). But throughout, one thing has remained constant – the quality of the people that work and have worked in the business.
In a recent conversation with a client, I enquired just what technology and digital solutions they expected from us, things they thought we should be thinking about in terms of technology but that perhaps we were not currently considering.
Mental well-being is making headlines again. ‘Burn-out’ is becoming increasingly a feature of concern as many managers and staff have worked ceaselessly to ‘keep things going’ over the past couple of years.
Regardless of society’s collective rush to embrace the virtual world, when the chips are down people, rather understandably in my opinion, do notalwayswant self-service – they needtheempathy, creative thinking,andreassurance that comes fromhuman relationships.
In past reflections I’ve talked about well-being and how we can better manage that collectively. But part of dealing with collective well-being is to recognise that it is often a very individual issue.
The increase in the use of call centres has been driven by customer demand for ‘out of office hours’ access to a range of services, as well as their desire to access 24/7 services from home.
Our history is replete with stories of excellent leadership. From Wellington to Churchill, our leaders have traditionally shown great virtues as well as deep flaws.
I think we are arguably on the precipice of one of the most difficult periods of business management we have likely ever encountered.
Our new working arrangements mean we have exported many work stresses into our homes