So when the Bank decides to increase rates let’s just hope that it considers the human factor.
The global experiment with loose monetary policy and economic stimulus means that no one really knows what the consequences of all this is going to be.
mortgage rates will have to rise to reflect the increased funding costs.
The government really needs to get its act together and offer something that is coherent and reassuring for financial services. Before it is too late.
The drop in the number of European workers threatens to compound the concerns around recruitment in what is already a tight labour market.
I would urge for caution.
There's no reason we should see house prices fall in the medium term but as always we should see what the year brings.
Stamp duty is an outdated instrument for raising taxes.
Historically low interest rates also have been blamed for enabling struggling companies to limp on without being forced to restructure.
Reassurances are needed now before decisions are made to relocate banking staff. This is all too important to ignore.