Pushing referrals into overdrive

How listening to your customer's experience can boost your business

Pushing referrals into overdrive

Part II: This year my goal is to get more referrals from my previous customers. I typically ask at the closing table, but there seems to be no follow-up. Do you have any ideas on how to keep the process going to obtain more referrals?

–Wiley from Oregon


Last week, we introduced an after-closing call that will help you facilitate the referral process after closing. And it can bring other benefits as well. This week, we will cover responses that you may receive from the last question and how you would handle them to improve the chances of more referrals in the long-run. The last question: Was there anything I could have done differently to make it a better experience for you?

If they say, ‘Yes there was – I felt you could do this or that better,’ your response must show interest and empathy. Don't argue or make excuses. Show an interest in improving. Imagine if you had never asked and you did not know the client was somewhat dissatisfied. Now you have the opportunity to show them how much you care and possibly take an action that would ease the client's concern. In other words, you have a chance to turn a client with a slight or major negative feeling into a fan who will refer you in the future. Maybe not right away, but it is better than just wondering why you never got any referrals.

If they say, ‘No, you were absolutely wonderful,’ ask them if you could put their kind words in writing and have them approve it as a testimonial. Don't ask them to write it, it will never get done. You could also ask them to copy and paste the remark you send them on a site such as Google or Zillow. When they support you like that, they will be referring no one else. In this case you have positioned yourself where you need to be. And it is a simple step to ask something like, ‘If you know anyone else I can help with advice or a transaction, I am always available to help, and I appreciate the referrals.’  



Dave Hershman has been the leading author and a top speaker for the industry for decades with six books authored and hundreds of articles published. His website is www.originationpro.com. If you have a reaction to this commentary or another question you would like answered in this column? Email Dave directly at [email protected].